In an effort to continually learn and further my knowledge on all things health and nutrition related I have compiled a nice stack of some light reading material! This does not include the books I have already read, which include Dr. Fung’s Obesity Code, The Complete Guide to Fasting, Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes book and several others, it also does not include the spiritual books I am currently reading. Besides this stack I have about 9 more on my Amazon shopping list that my library did not have. I am very picky on what authors I read and who I take any health information from. One thing that will get them thrown out of the stack pretty much right away is any conflict of interests, depending on what it is, as well as really crazy out there advice. All of these made the cut!
The titles in no particular order:
The Alzheimer’s Antidote by Amy Burger. My grandfather Alzheimer’s and my paternal grandmother and maternal grandmother all had dementia so anything on this subject is near and dear to my heart. I heard her speak on a podcast and knew I absolutely had to get her book! In the talk I heard she was also talking about the work she is doing for diet to help with ADHD and Autism. her work is phenomenal.
Next up is The Salt Fix by Dr. James DiNicolantonio. I have heard such great things about this book and know how much salt can help with health. It’s one of the simplest things we can do sometimes. He also co-wrote the book The Longevity Solution with Dr. Fung(will be shown below) and I trust Dr. Fung’s work!
Last for this set is Why We Get Fat and What To Do About it and Good Calories, Bad Calories both by Gary Taubes. He is journalist I heard speak and when I learned his story and saw him speak, via youtube, at some low carb events I knew I wanted to read his works.

The Diabetes Code by Dr. Jason Fung. His book The Obesity Code is what got me started down this whole new path to healthy and wellness. The Diabetes Code primarily deals with Type 2 diabetes and reversing it however does have some information on Type 1 as well.
Think Like a Pancreas is quite an interesting work. I got it as Mr. Lowcarb is a Type 1 diabetic so he will always be on insulin, we wanted some direction on how to get the best results with the insulin and how best to figure ratios, etc. Obviously if you are a T2D it is best to get off insulin or never have to be on it in the first place. But for a T1D using as little as possible to keep your blood glucose stable is the next best solution.
Winning the Cancer Battle by Louis Smith, I know him personally, is chalked full of good information. I know so many that he has helped, himself included, beat cancer with diet and supplementation.
The Magnesium Factor by Seelig and Rosanoff is another powerhouse of information. Magnesium is such an important mineral that most of the population is deficient in. One of the authors actually assisted NeoLife in formulating the Magnesium Complex we have today which is the best there is out there. Boasting of all 3 forms of magnesium, yes there are 3 forms, and double bond amino acid chelation for best absorption so you can take less and get more from it has been a game changer for us. This book goes through the over 700 body responses that magnesium controls! Outstanding.
The Longevity Solution, Dr. Fung’s latest book co-written with Dr. James from The Salt fix, really focuses on staying young and what causes aging. I am about half way through it and am riveted to it!

Cholesterol Clarity and Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman: I am about half way through Cholesterol Clarity and once again can I just say mind blown. The information is so good and really will help you advocate for yourself if your doctor tries to push statins and how to have that all to important conversation with your doctor. Keto Clarity I have not read yet, it actually just came in the mail, but I am looking forward to diving into it. I have been listening to Jimmy’s podcasts so I know the book will be just as good.
Undoctored By William Davis; I will be honest, I can’t give a review on it yet but it came highly recommended by trusted sources so I am going to dive in and soak it up! Wheat Belly and Wheat Belly Total health by Dr. Davis as well I know are excellent books. I have known for a long time how wheat and grains hurt our guts and now look forward to reading these books. Wheat Belly has been on my list for some time now.

I am looking forward to being able to share information I learn in future blog posts! Here’s to life long learning…cheers!