I signed up for the free 30 day trial membership of the Diet Doctor website so I could binge watch the various documentaries all in one place! So far I have watched Fat Head, Cereal Killers 1&2, Carb-Loaded, Statin Nation 1&2, The Big Fat Fix, and Fat Chance. All of these are well worth the watch, full of great information, not boring, gives real studies not hype. I can’t encourage everyone enough to find these and watch them.
Currently I am watching the documentary My Big Fat Diet
and I am in tears!

The tears could be due to PMS but I think the majority of them are from seeing the change in these people’s lives. This is different from the other documentaries I watched. It is about a study done in Canada on Traditional First Nations people style of diet. Watching the interviews of these people and the results they’re getting, how they are supporting each other, their self esteem raised, and so much more just got me real emotional. There is one gal that said one of her biggest goals was to be able to shop at a regular clothing store instead of a Big girl store! When she was able to buy something smaller than what she normally gets I just wanted to jump for joy for her. I know that celebration because just a few weeks ago I got to experience that same joy of having my normal size clothes be too big on me! I got that joy of moving to the smaller racks at the store.
Seeing some of these people that have tried everything and they are still sick and overweight and they have kids they want to be around for just really hits home. They now feel a renewed hope and show their kids a better way. It’s these kinds of testimonies is why I do what I do. It’s why I educate on diet and NeoLife. I want to help others and help give renewed hope.
I have struggled with weight, even as a child I was a little pudgy and would get made fun of. I wasn’t fat but I wasn’t slim either. My mom did the best she could but low income means cheap food and even though she cooked everything at home it wasn’t from good ingredients.
For the first time I finally feel that hope too that the weight and inches will stay off. Seeing my husband have results warms my heart. So if you watch just one documentary watch My Big Fat Diet!