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Carnivore Chicken Flour

Carnivore Chicken Flour

One of the new types of “flour” to hit the ketogenic/carnivore community in recent years. Often I will use pork panko in recipes, which is just ground up pork rinds, in place of things that regular panko would be used.

I have been intrigued with the meat flour though, but not so intrigued to pay $50-60 to buy it! So I started searching for ways to make it without having a freeze dryer and if it could be done. I found many DIY tutorials and tested a few out. I ended up taking bits and pieces from a few different folks because I wasn’t, for whatever reason, able to replicate their results. I made pork meat flour and it turned out great, I didn’t take pictures so there is no post on that yet.  I also made beef flour, however we had a chicken get sick and pass away so the post I had planned on doing while making it has to be postponed. Continue reading “Carnivore Chicken Flour”

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Where did 2024 go?!

Where has the year gone!

Hi friends! It’s been a minute since I have done a post! Can someone tell me how we are almost through September already? I really want to be more diligent in posting more often, yes I know I have said that before. My goal is to put out one new post a week! We will see how much life gets in the way! So what exactly have I been doing with my 2024? Well lots of things!

In January I had a birthday and we got an unexpected addition to our family. Paddington Gizmo joined our family! We had no plans of getting a dog, but he needed a new family immediately so he came to us at 6wks old and just a bit over two pounds. He will be one year old on November 28th. So that has been keeping us busy.

Continue reading “Where did 2024 go?!”