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Where did 2024 go?!

Where has the year gone!

Hi friends! It’s been a minute since I have done a post! Can someone tell me how we are almost through September already? I really want to be more diligent in posting more often, yes I know I have said that before. My goal is to put out one new post a week! We will see how much life gets in the way! So what exactly have I been doing with my 2024? Well lots of things!

In January I had a birthday and we got an unexpected addition to our family. Paddington Gizmo joined our family! We had no plans of getting a dog, but he needed a new family immediately so he came to us at 6wks old and just a bit over two pounds. He will be one year old on November 28th. So that has been keeping us busy.

Next up was the girl’s winter musical and two of my girls had lead roles. Though the musical was not really appropriate for high school, as a mama I still couldn’t have been more proud! Our 17yr old played a blues singer and got to wear a big wig which kind of reminded me of Scooby Doo in one of the Scooby movies.

In March I flew to Las Vegas for the first CoSci convention! This was an absolute blast, it was 48 hours of nerdy science lectures! I got to meet some of my heroes in this space like Dr. Berry, Dr. Bikman, Michelle Hurn, Dr. Rick Johnson, Dr. Jamie Seaman and so many more. Flying to Las Vegas by myself never would have been possible if it wasn’t for eating clean keto/carnivore which have helped my anxiety so much! I made a lot of new friends and ate some really great food!

Of course then there was tax season, track and field, Easter, black belt testing and so much more. I feel like 2024 was such a whirlwind. In May our 4th child graduated college and was on his way to becoming a police officer.

Then we have my whole chicken adventure. In September of last year we got 3 more hens to help replace the ones we lost from our original flock. In May Josephine, one of the new hens, went broody so we decided to give her some fertile eggs and use it as a school experiment to watch them hatch and watch her raise them. We had 5 babies hatch on Father’s day! One baby didn’t make it but Jo did a great job raising the other 4! Unfortunately 3 of them were roosters and had to be rehomed.

Next up in the whirlwind I call life was the summer Musical, Alice in Wonderland. This time 3 of our girls had lead roles. We had Alice and Little Alice and the Queen of Hearts. So much work goes into these plays and they always do such a great job. Our 19 yr old made a bunch of the costumes as well.

It seems like as soon as the musical was over we had my dad’s retirement party. I didn’t get many pictures from the party, but I did get the picture of the gift we gave him. Our 15yr old did a drawing of him from one of his headshots.

Since 3 of our baby chicks ended up being boys we decided to brood up some more babies so that we would have more layers as our original flock is going into their 3rd year. I was going to get 6 babies, but chicken math got the better of me and I ended up getting 10! Ooops. Since it was August we were able to brood them in the coop and then the run and it has worked out well. The babies are now integrated and ranging with the big girls.

Now we are getting ready to graduate our 6th kid next June. We had a wonderful senior photo shoot with my folks. Can’t wait to get the edited photos back!

Next will be vacation, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then before you know it 2025 will be here and so will tax season. Let’s just try to slow the rest of the year down!


I am a mom of 8 beautiful children! Living and teaching finding your proper human diet and healing metabolic health!

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